日別アーカイブ: 2016/11/09




今回、私は2009年に新設されたヤング・ローリエイツのファイナリストとして選出頂きました。一緒にファイナリストに選出されたメンバーと共に最終選考会でジュネーブで2日間過ごしましたが、とても素晴らしいメンバーでした。多少の被りはありましたが、これまでダボス会議やアショカ、Forbes 30Under30などで関わってきたメンバーとも違い、新しいコミュニティーが出来た事が嬉しかったです。

応募したきっかけは、ヨーロッパでは絶大な知名度を誇るロレックス賞が、アジアでは十分に浸透していないという事で、greenzさんとロレックス賞の間で特集記事を連載する事になり、『日本らしい“曖昧さ”からイノベーションは生まれる! 世界で活躍する社会起業家「ShuR」大木洵人さん ×「Lalitpur」向田麻衣さん対談』という記事掲載して頂いた事でした。私自身も今回の取材でロレックス賞の事を知り、自ら応募させて頂いたところ、光栄なことにファイナリストに選出して頂けました。


<2016年ヤング・ローリエイツ ファイナリスト>
Lucrezia Bisignani – Italy
Develop a game application for cheap smartphones to teach illiterate children in sub-Saharan Africa to read and write. The plan is to have 100,000 users in the first year.

Joseph Cook – United Kingdom
Investigate the Greenland ice sheet to discover how immense microbial populations survive in the polar and glacial icecaps, and study their effects on Earth’s vital systems, including climate, and value to humanity.

Oscar Ekponimo – Nigeria
Address food poverty and alleviate hunger in Nigeria through a cloud-based application that monitors supermarket products approaching the end of their shelf life and generates notifications to enable discounted items for consumers and charities.

Tales Gomes – Brazil
Use mobile technologies, including a website and a health diagnostic kit costing less than US$7, to help prevent non-communicable diseases, from cancer to diabetes, in Brazil’s disadvantaged communities.

Christine Keung – United States
End uncontrolled toxic pollution of soil and water in rural north-western China by working with doctors and industry to reduce harmful waste and by empowering women to act as environmental stewards.

Mustafa Naseem – Pakistan
Develop a “water ATM” enabling organizations to measure water quality and access in Pakistan and other countries facing supply crises, thereby ensuring equality of usage and better management of a dwindling resource.

Qin Xiang Ng – Singapore
Use water’s ability to cling to a spider web as a model to develop a new generation of efficient fog-harvesters in regions where there is fog but little rain.

Levit Nudi – Kenya
Save the lives of infants in Kenya and beyond with his simple, affordable warning device to monitor and diagnose babies suffering life-threatening lung infections.

Junto Ohki – Japan
Bridge the gap between the world’s 126 sign languages through a crowd-sourced, online sign-language dictionary, which will be a global platform for all signs, improving communication among hearing-impaired people from different countries.

Anthony Raphael – Australia
Develop and field-test two easy-to-use applicators to diagnose and treat, with microparticle massages, deadly parasitic skin diseases afflicting tens of millions of people, particularly young children, in the developing world.

Sarah Toumi – France/Tunisia
Fight increasing desertification in Tunisia caused by climate change through reforestation and crops suited to low rainfall, providing new income opportunities to rural communities.

Daira Ximena Villagran Chavarro – Colombia
Lay the groundwork for a conservation plan for one of the world’s most biodiverse but threatened regions, Colombia’s Baudó Mountains. Conduct fieldwork, share scientific findings, engage the community and encourage ecotourism.